The best way to purchase Financial Peace as a gift for someone is to visit our Store and select the Buy as digital gift card option.
When you proceed to the checkout page, you will be prompted to provide an email address. If you want to send the membership as a gift, please make sure to enter the email address of the person you want to send it to, instead of your email address. If you enter your email address, the order will be sent to you instead of the intended recipient.
When the order is finished, the recipient will receive an email with an activation link. By clicking on the link, they can activate their account. Once their account is activated, they will have complete access to Financial Peace University.
What do I do if the gift was sent to my email and not the gift recipient's email?
To resolve this, all you have to do is forward the gift email that was sent to your inbox to the correct email address. Make sure not to click any links in the email, as this could use up the gift access on your Ramsey Account and cancel your membership.